The transition of a nucleus, atom or molecule from a higher energy level to a lower one; the opposite of excitation
The release following musical tension.
A diminution of tone, tension, or firmness; specifically in pathology: a looseness; a diminution of the natural and healthy tone of parts.
Remission of attention or application.
The act of relaxing or the state of being relaxed; the opposite of stress or tension; the aim of recreation and leisure activities.
Unbending; recreation; a state or occupation intended to give mental or bodily relief after effort.
Remission or abatement of rigor.
A contortion of the body in an attempt to escape or to perform a difficult task.
Strife, contention, great effort.
To strive, to labour in difficulty, to fight (for or against), to contend.
To strive, or to make efforts, with a twisting, or with contortions of the body.