One of various named strategies employed by the declarer to win more tricks, such as the Bath coup.
A quick, brilliant, and highly successful act.
A coup d'état.
A takeover of one group by another.
A blow against an enemy delivered in a way that shows bravery.
A single roll of the wheel at roulette, or a deal in rouge et noir.
To make a coup.
A daring or dangerous feat, often involving the display of gymnastic skills.
A check in growth.
That which has been checked in growth; a stunted animal or thing.
A special means of rushing the quarterback done to confuse the opposing team's offensive line.
A two-year-old whale, which, having been weaned, is lean and yields little blubber.
To check or hinder the growth or development of.
To perform a stunt.
To show off; to posture.