Any German submarine of the First or Second World War, or any Austro-Hungarian submarine of the First World War.
Nickname given to the General Electric Universal Series diesel-electric locomotives.
A narrow, utility cart with tall handles on both ends that is used to carry loads of retail products to be sold, so named because its shape is roughly that of a capital U.
A small nonmilitary, non-nuclear submarine for exploration.
A term used primarily by some navies for nuclear submarines, termed "true submersibles", because they cannot retroactively declare that their non-nuclear submarines should be called by a different name.
A very small "baby" submarine designed for specific localized missions, usually while tethered to a submarine or ship for life support and communications. Slang synonyms: midget-submarine, anchor.
A retroactive term used for non-nuclear submarines; nuclear submarines are termed "true submarines".
Able to be submerged.