A particular aspect or detail; respect, sense.
The worth or estimation in which something or someone is held.
A steady look, a gaze.
Slang for retard, a very bad stock trader.
One's concern for another; esteem; relation, reference.
To look at; to observe.
To consider, look upon (something) in a given way etc.
To have to do with, to concern.
To face toward.
Feeling of loyalty; tendency towards, agreement with or approval of an opinion or aim; a favorable attitude.
Support in the form of shared feelings or opinions.
Artistic harmony, as of shape or colour in a painting.
The formal expression of pity or sorrow for someone else's misfortune.
The ability to share the feelings of another.
A feeling of pity or sorrow for the suffering or distress of another.
Mutual or parallel susceptibility or a condition brought about by it.
An affinity, association or mutual relationship between people or things such that they are correspondingly affected by any condition.