croak vs take the heat


  • To complain; especially, to grumble; to forebode evil; to utter complaints or forebodings habitually. 

  • To kill someone or something. 

  • To die. 

  • To utter in a low, hoarse voice. 

  • To make a croak. 

  • To make its sound. 

  • The call of a frog or toad. (see also ribbit) 

  • A faint, harsh sound made in the throat. 

  • The harsh call of various birds, such as the raven or corncrake, or other creatures. 

take the heat

  • To take the blame; to be the focus of anger or scrutiny; to take the consequences. 

How often have the words croak and take the heat occurred in a corpus of books? (source: Google Ngram Viewer )