To inhale so as to draw something other than air into one's lungs.
To produce an audible puff of breath. especially following a consonant, such as the letter "h" at the beginning of house or hat in standard English.
To remove a liquid or gas by means of suction.
The puff of air accompanying the release of a plosive or fricative consonant.
A sample of fluid, tissue, or other substance that is withdrawn from a body cavity, cyst, or tumor.
A mark of aspiration (#) used in Greek; the asper, or rough breathing.
A sound produced by such a puff of air.
Synonym of aspirated.
To breathe hard, as when nearly suffocated.
To utter with breaks and interruption, in the manner of a person half suffocated.
To have the throat obstructed so as to be in danger of suffocation; to choke; to suffocate.
To control or adjust the speed of (an engine).
To cut back on the speed of (an engine, person, organization, network connection, etc.).
To strangle or choke someone.
A valve that regulates the supply of fuel-air mixture to an internal combustion engine and thus controls its speed; a similar valve that controls the air supply to an engine.
The lever or pedal that controls this valve.