A species that acts as host to a zoonosis when it is not causing acute illness in other susceptible species.
A "black box" component that receives an input signal to be read out and mapped by another process, as part of reservoir computing.
A small intercellular space, often containing resin, essential oil, or some other secreted matter.
A supply or source of something.
A large natural or artificial lake used as a source of water supply.
A place where anything is kept in store.
To store or keep (something) in or as in a reservoir.
An organism that has characteristics of a more primitive form.
A reversion to an earlier stage of development.
An atavism.
Coordinate terms: nowhere income, throwout
A person considered to be primitive, uncivilized and mentally deficient.
A person or thing that evokes memories.
A practice to avoid untaxed nowhere income by instead taxing such income in the originating state for a given transaction.
A person similar to an ancestor, or something new similar to what already existed.