To utter a loud, sharp, shrill sound or cry, as do some birds and beasts; to scream, as in a sudden fright, in horror or anguish.
To utter sharply and shrilly; to utter in or with a shriek or shrieks.
An exclamation mark.
A sharp, shrill outcry or scream; a shrill wild cry such as is caused by sudden or extreme terror, pain, or the like.
To say (something) with a loud, threatening voice.
To make a noise like thunder.
To produce thunder; to sound, rattle, or roar, as a discharge of atmospheric electricity.
To (make something) move very fast (with loud noise).
To produce something with incredible power.
The spotlight.
An alarming or startling threat or denunciation.
The loud rumbling, cracking, or crashing sound caused by expansion of rapidly heated air around a lightning bolt.
A deep, rumbling noise resembling thunder.