To increase the defenses of; to strengthen and secure by military works; to render defensible against an attack by hostile forces.
To increase the nutritional value of food by adding ingredients.
To impart strength or vigor to.
To add spirits to wine to increase the alcohol content.
To protect from the intrusion of the uninitiated.
To seal a lodge against intrusions from unauthorised people.
To arrange in a regular pattern, with adjoining edges (applied to tile-like objects, graphics, windows in a computer interface).
To optimize (a loop in program code) by means of the tiling technique.
To cover with tiles.
Any of various flat cuboid playing pieces used in certain games, such as dominoes, Scrabble, or mahjong.
A regularly-shaped slab of clay or other material, affixed to cover or decorate a surface, as in a roof-tile, glazed tile, stove tile, carpet tile, etc.
A rectangular graphic.