To explain or tell the meaning of; to translate orally into intelligible or familiar language or terms. applied especially to language, but also to dreams, signs, conduct, mysteries, etc.
To convey what a user of one language is saying or signing, in real time or shortly after that person has finished communicating, to a user of a different language
To analyse or execute (a program) by reading the instructions as they are encountered, rather than compiling in advance.
To apprehend and represent by means of art; to show by illustrative representation
To decode the meaning of a topic and then act, whether to continue researching the topic, follow through, act in opposition, or further the understanding through sharing an interpretation.
To convert a representation of language, typically speech but also sign language, etc., to a written representation of it. The term now usually implies the conversion of speech to text by a human transcriptionist with the assistance of a computer for word processing and sometimes also for speech recognition, the process of a computer interpreting speech and converting it to text.
To represent speech by phonetic symbols.
To transfer data from one recording medium to another.
To cause DNA to undergo transcription.
To make such a conversion from live or recorded speech to text.
To adapt a composition for a voice or instrument other than the original; to notate live or recorded music.