A New Zealand shrub of the genus Dracophyllum, that grows up to 12 m high and found throughout in drier climates and at higher altitudes, with slender erect or spreading branches. Rigid, leathery grass-like leaves are usually crowded towards the tip of the branchlets. Also called spiderwood.
Dasylirion longissimum (family Asparagaceae, Mexican grass tree)
Richea pandanifolia (family Ericaceae, giant grass tree).
Any of various small trees of the family Xanthorrhoeaceae (especially of the genus Xanthorrhoea), having a thick trunk crowned with a dense tuft of pendulous, grass-like leaves.
Dracophyllum (family Ericaceae), a genus of about 100 species.
Dracophyllum arboreum (Chatham tree heath)
The flowering plant Erica arborea, native to east Africa and the Mediterranean.
Erica scoparia (green heath, besom heath, broom heath)
especially Trochocarpa laurina of Australia and New Zealand.
Other plants of genus Erica of similar habit
Ecological domains characterized by large numbers of such species of ericaceous plants.