To cheat or swindle.
A cheat or swindler; someone who betrays.
mist; fog; roke
A castle or other fortification.
A European bird, Corvus frugilegus, of the crow family.
A rookie.
A piece shaped like a castle tower, that can be moved only up, down, left or right (but not diagonally) or in castling.
A type of firecracker used by farmers to scare birds of the same name.
A trick-taking game, usually played with a specialized deck of cards.
A bad deal; a rip-off.
To secretively steal (an item or money) for personal use.
To put (money) into one's trouser pocket; to pocket.
To take and keep (something, especially money, that is not one's own); to pocket.
A pair of trousers.
Of or relating to trousers.