To protect with, or as if with, a parasol; to shade.
A miniature paper umbrella used as a decoration in tropical-themed cocktails.
A roof or covering of a structure designed to provide cover from wind, rain, or sun.
The parasol mushroom, Macrolepiota procera
A small light umbrella used as protection from the sun.
Any of various Asian species of libellulid dragonfly of the genus Neurothemis.
To cover or protect, as if by an umbrella.
To move like a jellyfish.
To form the dome shape of an open umbrella.
Something that covers a wide range of concepts, purposes, groups, etc.
The main body of a jellyfish, excluding the tentacles.
A cloth-covered frame used for protection against rain or sun.
Generally, anything that provides protection.
An umbrella-shaped reflector with a white or silvery inner surface, used to diffuse a nearby light.