Secondary or subordinate.
Of or relating to a subsidy.
Auxiliary or supplemental.
A company owned by a parent company or a holding company, also called daughter company or sister company.
A subordinate theme.
One who aids or supplies; an assistant.
In a state of subordination, submission or defeat.
Insufficient or lacking in a particular respect.
Lower; beneath something.
Under anesthesia, especially general anesthesia; sedated.
Using or adopting (a name, identity, etc.).
Subordinate to; subject to the control of; in accordance with; in compliance with.
Within the category, classification or heading of.
Below the surface of.
Less than.
In the face of; in response to (some attacking force).
In or at a lower level than; in the area covered or surmounted by.
From one side of to the other, passing beneath.
In or to a lower or subordinate position, or a position beneath or below something, physically or figuratively.
In or into an unconscious state.
So as to pass beneath something.
The amount by which an actual total is less than the expected or required amount.