A physical manifestation of psychic origin, as through ectoplasmic solidification.
Physical examination.
Sexual, carnal.
Having to do with the body as opposed to the mind; corporeal, bodily.
Denoting a map showing natural features of the landscape (compare political).
In accordance with the laws of nature; now specifically, pertaining to physics.
Pertaining to the world as understood through the senses rather than the mind; tangible, concrete; having to do with the material world.
Involving bodily force or contact; vigorous, aggressive.
Not united in a regimented structure; lacking structure and order.
Existing or operating without involvement by the body; solely mental or intellectual; “ungrounded”, “heady”.
Not expressed or exhibited in material or concrete form; wholly abstract.
Not incorporated into a coherent system; conceptually disconnected.
Incorporeal; not possessed of a body.