Decorative paper-like material used to cover the inner walls of buildings.
Anything that serves as a background or part of the surroundings.
Generic footage of a building or location that may be used in the background of a related news report.
A roll of such paper.
A style or design of such material.
A radio operator's collection of awards and QSL cards.
An image or tiled pattern used as the background of a computer desktop.
Gaudy mass-produced stamps, typically of little or no value and only produced for sale to collectors.
To cover (a wall, a room, etc) with wallpaper.
A small fibre of wood; especially such material as used to make ingrain wallpaper, aka woodchip wallpaper. See Wikipedia article on ingrain wallpaper.
A small mechanically produced piece (chip) of wood, generally from 0.5 to 10 cm in diameter, used primarily as raw material for pulp, paper and construction boards, as well as fuel and mulch.