A tropical plant (Talinum fruticosum), the leaves of which are eaten as a vegetable.
Any plant of the genus Hydrophyllum.
A leaf-shaped decoration used on the capitals of columns in late 12th-century Romanesque architecture
An absorbent unsized paper like blotters as opposed to slake-sized or hard sized papers.
Any plant of Hydrophyllaceae, the waterleaf family.
Any plant unwanted at the place where and at the time when it is growing.
Underbrush; low shrubs.
A sudden illness or relapse, often attended with fever, which befalls those who are about to give birth, are giving birth, or have recently given birth or miscarried or aborted.
Something unprofitable or troublesome; anything useless.
A puny person; one who has little physical strength.
Lymphangitis in a horse.
A weak horse, which is therefore unfit to breed from.
To systematically remove materials from a library collection based on a set of criteria.
To remove unwanted vegetation from a cultivated area.
To pilfer the best items from a collection.