To cause to be done quickly.
Often with up, to speed up the rate of doing something.
To hasten; to impel to greater speed; to urge on.
To do things quickly.
To impel to precipitate or thoughtless action; to urge to confused or irregular activity.
To put: to convey coal in the mine, e.g. from the working to the tramway.
Rushed action.
an incidence of a defensive player forcing the quarterback to act faster than the quarterback was prepared to, resulting in a failed offensive play.
A tremolando passage for violins, etc., accompanying an exciting situation.
To cause to pass quickly.
To pass by quickly and more or less close or away.
To make a breathy sound like a whoosh or extrude with such a sound.
To happen while bypassing someone's detailed awareness, to have someone miss the point.
To kill by gun, to shoot.
Imitates anything passing by quickly and more or less close.
Indicating that somebody has missed the point (i.e. it went over their head).
A homicide by shooting.
A breathy sound like that of an object passing at high speed.
A gun.