To harass, pester or annoy someone persistently or incessantly.
To afflict with a disease or other calamity.
A group of common grackles.
A widespread affliction, calamity or destructive influx, especially when seen as divine retribution.
The bubonic plague, the pestilent disease caused by the virulent bacterium Yersinia pestis.
An epidemic or pandemic caused by any pestilence, but specifically by the above disease.
A grave nuisance, whatever greatly irritates.
To harass; to irritate or distress.
To touch repeatedly, to fiddle with.
To be troubled; to give way to mental anxiety or doubt.
To seize or shake by the throat, especially of a dog or wolf.
Disturb the peace of mind of; afflict with mental agitation or distress.
A strong feeling of anxiety.
An instance or cause of such a feeling.
A person who causes worry.