To turn on one side; to render oblique; to slope or slant, as the side of a door, window, etc.
To dislocate, as a shoulder bone.
To spread; spread out.
To rearrange (a splay tree) so that a desired element is placed at the root.
A slope or bevel, especially of the sides of a door or window, by which the opening is made larger at one face of the wall than at the other, or larger at each of the faces than it is between them.
Flat and ungainly.
Spread out; turned outward.
To twist or contort (the body, face, etc.).
Deviating from the right direction; misdirected; out of place.
Turned away, contorted (of the face or body).
Dryly humorous; sardonic or bitterly ironic.
Twisted, bent, crooked.