
Cinderella definitions

  • The main character in this story, a mistreated and impoverished girl. At a royal ball she meets a handsome prince who later identifies her by means of a dropped article, most commonly a slipper, and removes her from her poverty. 

  • A popular fairy tale embodying a classic folk tale myth-element of unjust oppression and triumphant reward. 

  • A female given name originating as a coinage. 

  • Something rising unexpectedly from obscurity to success, as a Cinderella team. 

  • A stamp or stamp-like label issued for purposes other than postal administration, not issued by a central government, or not listed in most general catalogues. 

  • A woman employed to clean, especially to remove ash from stoves and fireplaces. 

  • A mistreated and impoverished girl. 

  • Something neglected and denied resources, as a Cinderella service.